Monday, June 22, 2015

DIY Circle Skirt

I have now made two circle skirts in the past two months and people have been enthralled by them! Today I'm going to do a quick DIY post on how to make them, tips, and other sources that can be helpful in the making process!!

The first skirt I made was a Star Wars skirt for this past Wizard World Philly for one of my non-cosplay days! 

This is the finished product above, and wearing it to the convention below!

For this skirt I found the fabric at my local JoAnn's Fabric store, but other than fabric all you need is a zipper. (other than your normal sewing essentials).
To make this skirt I actually followed a YouTube tutorial, which was absolutely amazing and I now have referenced it many times!
You can chose to make a pattern, I did, using leftover wrapping paper. But the second time I made it, I didn't bother with a pattern but rather made my marks directly onto the fabric and went from there. So, you choose whatever is best for your skill level!

For the second skirt, I still used this basic pattern, but I added 3 layers of tulle to it! 
So following the same video as above, I added 3 layers of tulle. I cut the fabric in a similar way, by folding it into a square then triangle, and cutting out the tip. I was really nervous working with tulle for the first time but it is exactly like any other fabric, Just take your time! I sewed on the tulle first then used the waist band to hide the top edges of the tulle. I hemmed the cotton under layer but left the tulle a little longer and raw edged. 

The finished outfit! Worn to a friend's wedding. Excuse the not so fantastic picture. I remembered to grab a photo after I had been dancing for 2 hours! I also wore the shoes from my Alice cosplay!
Below is a progress shot!

Stay tuned for news and updates about New York Comic Con! I will be posting about my upcoming cosplays!