Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Potential Wizard World Philly 2016 Cosplay Line Up

Hey Everyone!!

Wizard World Philly is only a few months away (June, kind of far but not really)! So in preparation I have started a rough idea of my cosplay line up for 4 days at the convention!

Thursday: OUAT Evil Queen
I made this costume last year but I never really got to wear it due to being sick. So this year I intend on getting a full day of wear out of this cosplay that took FOREVER to make!

Friday: Honey Lemon and Tadashi

I have obviously already done this cosplay multiple times, but as of right now it is my easiest go-to cosplay. It is also a huge crowd pleaser!

Saturday/Sunday: Khaleesi and Rey

I know, I know. These two cosplays are/will be so over done. But that doesn't mean they are always done well! Not to toot my own horn but when I commit to a cosplay, I do it with insane detail and lots of effort. So by doing these two cosplays they would be with great detail, effort, and enthusiasm. Which would in turn hopefully not make them overdone.

This is the outfit I plan on doing for Khaleesi; I haven't seen it cosplayed yet, which gives me the opportunity to do it right. This cosplay, hypothetically shouldn't be TOO hard; hence why I plan on making two for this convention because Rey will be the harder of the two.

Rey was hands down the most badass character in the Force Awakens and easily the most badass female in the entire franchise. I love what she represents and her personality with her more gender neutral outfits. "Why are you holding my hand?!" Come on, she's a boss.

With this line up, I think I could really show my various talents as a cosplayer and push myself to use new techniques, especially with the Rey cosplay. Keep an eye out for more updates over the next few months and I will try to make as many tutorials as possible!