Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hello there everyone!!
If you watched the video in my last post, I mentioned at the end that the boyfriend and I are doing Alice in Wonderland for our NYCC cosplays in October!
(insert dog meme: much excited, many happiness)
So I already have a rough muslin done of Alice's apron, which is the most work I have done with patterns in about 5 years. SO that's exciting!
Today I cut out all the patterns for Alice's dress and have started to lay and pin them to muslin. YAY PROGRESS!
I have been making everything out of muslin first because it is a lot cheaper than the projects final look fabric. AND I have limited sewing experience so if I mess up the dress/ patterns on muslin that's 2$ a yard, its a lot better than messing it up on fabric that is 10$ a yard. Fo' sho'.
(proof of progress!)
Stay tuned this week guys as I will most likely be posting another video to show the apron and dress progress!
Thank you so much for viewing all my posts!
-Much love

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