Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cosplay Withdraw

As NYCC comes closer, I am beginning to feel distress about not having another convention to go to soon enough. The only for sure next convention I will be going to is Wizard World Philadelphia in May, MAY! Which is unbelievably far away from now.
I wish I didn't have obligations or responsibilities and could just use all my money to travel to conventions. But alas, I am not in that position.
I am in the hopes of finding a convention that is relatively close and affordable to go to this winter/early spring.
When you really enjoy what you do, it is difficult to be without it. 
I feel wasteful making cosplay costumes if I don't have a convention to go to, but I don't think I can go so long without making a couple!

So my next goal I believe will be attempting to make a body suit!
I have this vision of turning "regular" characters into super heroes, and I think that will be my next big project.

I am so excited to almost be complete Alice, but I am also dreading it. The joy of always having something creative to work on will be gone for a little while. After this project, I have serious planning to do for Wizard World, and plan on trying out lots of new techniques!

- learn to make a body suit that isn't terrible
- learn to make/use molds
-learn to use worbla
-make lots of cool shit

Cosplay is just fricking awesome! 

Nerds Unite!

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