Saturday, April 11, 2015

Yellow Heels? Nah. Yellow Sneaks.

So if you have seen the movie, Big Hero 6 then you know that Honey Lemon wears these crazy high yellow stilettos. Which is totally awesome, except I can barely stand in heels let alone walk in them all day long at a convention. SO I decided to save myself the pain and do a spin off of her shoes in the form of yellow keds!
But I wasn't about to spend $50 on real yellow keds, so I made my own.
Now let me show you how!!

-white sneakers (target $17)
-yellow acrylic paint (I used the brand "Apple barrel")
(you can get a huge bottle for about $4)
-white acrylic paint (same brand, small bottle is $1)
-various sized paint brushes
-duct tape or painters tape

Also, patience. This takes time to do well and correctly.

Step 2: PREP!

Have a surface to work on. I have a big piece of cardboard that I keep around for such occasions. Also, remove the shoe laces, we don't want to get them icky.

Step 3: TAPE!
Now you will need to go ahead and tape around the edge of the shoe. Make sure that you tape over the lip of the edge where it meets the canvas but do not tape any of the canvas.
Make small pieces of tape, it will make it easier to get around the curves.
Tape like shown here!
Once this is done we are ready to paint!!


When painting, I mixed together the yellow and white paints to make a softer yellow. The paint color is "bright yellow", and it is bright so I toned it down with the white. This is a completely optional step. If you do mix colors, try to remain consistent to avoid a patchy look.
When painting start in the middle and work your way to the edges. I left about 1/8th of an inch of the edge white and then went back and used a very small brush to do the edges to keep a clean look.
Check the seams for loose threads and cut them to avoid any rough edges/seams.

Around the eyelets, be sure to take your time and use a small brush. I've found that you do not need to get too close to them because they get covered by the laces anyway. But you do need to get closer than shown above.

Step 5: Enjoy!

After about an hour to two hours of drying time you can carefully remove your tape and touch up any needed spots.Then you are ready to enjoy your new shoes!!

Put your laces back in and then run around with excitement!
(I couldn't remember how to put them back in so I am going to have the boy do it later haha)

You now have the fanciest shoes on the block! 
These will be a thousand times more comfortable for Wizard World Philly and for being Honey Lemon. I know this is straying from the true characters look, but I also have to not hurt myself and be comfortable in how I look. 

There is so much more to show you guys!

So stay tuned for more updates this week!


Monday, April 6, 2015

One Month To Go

I am closing in on about one more month until the Wizard World Philly Comic Con!!
I am getting to be just so excited! I still have a lot of work to do, especially on Honey Lemon, but the time pressure will have things expedited for sure!

What I would love to do next is make some props for the Evil Queen! If you are a viewer of the show then you know that the Queen is a collector, a collector of hearts! I am hoping to devise a way to make this as a prop to carry around the day I cosplay her. How you may ask? I have no idea. BUT I am going to try to figure it out!

As for Honey Lemon, I have been able to get some very early stage work done. But I am afraid my choice in fabric may end up to be a little shear. It is a poly-cotton blend with what I think is just not enough cotton. So it may prove to need to be re-done or I possibly will need to wear a slip underneath.

I will have more frequent updates now that it is turning into crunch time. Keep an eye out for some fun things ahead!

xo M