Monday, May 25, 2015

Wizard World Philadelphia 2015

A few weeks ago was my second time at a Wizard World convention, and I must say, it didn't disappoint. Wizard World is what I would call a 'medium' sized convention. It doesn't have the recognition of New York of San Diego; but they are still using the same formula: celebrities, panels, and artists. This formula works for them at their 'medium' scale in the way that it is truly perfect. It is fun without being too overwhelming, but it still holds a lot of power and value.

Here was my con schedule:
Thursday: Fun night of just getting to enjoy the convention.
Friday: Finish final touches on cosplays, photo shoot, and beauty sleep.
Saturday: Evil Queen cosplay.
Sunday: Honey Lemon cosplay.

Here is what actually happened:
Plans are nice, but unrealistic; and I truly learned that at this convention. Saturday was the only day that didn't really go as planned. I went to bed Friday night so excited, like it was Christmas Eve, and woke up on Saturday puking. It was infuriating to say the least. After many attempts at gathering my strength I gave up. By 4pm, I finally was able to muster the strength to get ready. Luckily my sister was home to do my hair for me and I had practiced the make up so that was quickly. The boyfriend and I then quickly rushed to Philly (one puke stop on the way) and were able to be at the convention for about an hour. I went home upset and defeated. I had spent months and hundreds of dollars working on this costume, and I could barely stand up. It was heart breaking. Yet, I was able to remember that I had created something, and that it wasn't going anywhere. I am the type of person where I make one costume for one specific convention, but I am hoping to move past that so I am able to wear again next year. Either way, I gained new skills and have another cosplay under my belt.

Luckily, Sunday went perfectly! Honey Lemon and Tadashi were a total success! We were easily recognizable and people loved seeing us! I love working on my cosplays, but seeing people excited about them, who are complete strangers, is absolutely thrilling. I truly hope that I can continue cosplaying for a long time, and maybe even one day get paid to do it! But for now I am just enjoying this creative outlet where I am able to express myself and fulfill my creative needs!

Now here are some pictures of me as Honey Lemon, enjoy!

Stay tuned for updates about new projects for NYCC 2015!


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