Sunday, July 19, 2015

Progress? Maybe?

In an attempt to post more frequently, I am posting the most random post on cosplay progress. If it can even be called 'progress'. This morning I ordered Yaya Han's Bodysuit pattern, made by McCall's.   Link:
 I am going to attempt to use this pattern as the base for my Padme cosplay. Even though her outfit is technically two pieces; it may be difficult to keep the tightness with two pieces. So, I figure if I use a body suit, it will maintain shape better through wearing it all day. I don't plan on doing the sexy, ripped up version of the outfit either, so there is no true need to make it two pieces. 
Even the small steps are steps in the right direction in regards to cosplay. I plan on making August the month of trying to really push the cosplay as far as I can before college classes pick back up. 
Also, I'm considering buying a ukulele because why the hell not?!


Friday, July 10, 2015

Selecting Your Next Cosplay

One of the most difficult aspects of cosplaying, in my opinion, isn't actually making anything. But rather, DECIDING on what you want to create. Being a nerd, geek, trekie, or whatever you identify as; isn't an easy task! Especially when it comes to convention time. When planning for a convention there are many things to take into consideration, so sit back and relax as I describe my planning process and lessons I've learned.

Meg's planning process/Questions that she obsesses over:
-What time of year is the convention?
-How am I getting to the convention?
-Am I able to bring props?
-How much time do I have?
-What is this going to cost?
-Is there a theme to the convention? (ie. anime, horror, etc.)
-How relatable/understandable is this cosplay?
-Am I challenging myself with doing something new?

So this October in NYCC there are many of these questions to take into consideration. Last year I wore heals, worst choice ever. Hence why this year I plan on wearing shoes much more accomidating for walking. Also, when traveling to NYC's Javitis Center, we take the subway in from Queens, so large props are usually out of the question for obivious reasons.
Weather is something to consider as well for an October convention; outside it will be cool and inside the convention it is always a coin toss between freezing and hot. So cosplays with layers can be helpful for these types of situations.

Every time I create a new cosplay I try to make sure that I am challenging myself in some way. Whether it be working with a new type of fabric, making a new prop, or making a type of clothing I've never made before! I find that this is a good way to make sure that you don't get lazy and just keep recreating the same thing but with different characters.
Part of my love for cosplay is when someone is thrilled to see you walking towards them in a cosplay of a character that they love. It is an indescribable feeling. When I go to conventions I try to pick cosplays that will get that reaction and fit the type of convention that I am attending. For example, Philly Wizard World is so close to where I live that it easy to get there for multiple days. So I usually do one cosplay that is more for my own enjoyment than others. But for NYCC, it is such a production just to get there, that I want people to be beyond excited to see my cosplay and feel as though it was worth it for me to go.
NYCC is in October of this Fall, shortly after that the new Star Wars film will be released. This is a sign of the stars being perfectly aligned to do a Star Wars cosplay! Even though I LOVE the original trilogy, I must say I love Padme as a character. I find her very strong, independent, and always has the best outfits. Going with these cosplay 'questions', I have decided that I am going to do Padame's outfit from Attack of the Clones when she is in the pit with Obi and Annakin.

In this scene she is a total badass; she takes control of her own destiny, and kicks scary monster butt!!
I plan on constructing this as a singular body suit, with the cape detachable and accessories of course. All aspects of this cosplay should be VERY comfortable for a long day at the convention. It also can be worn different ways depending on how warm or cold it ends up being in October.

I hope these tips are helpful for the next time you are planning a cosplay and stay on the look out for updates on my cosplay progress!!