Sunday, July 19, 2015

Progress? Maybe?

In an attempt to post more frequently, I am posting the most random post on cosplay progress. If it can even be called 'progress'. This morning I ordered Yaya Han's Bodysuit pattern, made by McCall's.   Link:
 I am going to attempt to use this pattern as the base for my Padme cosplay. Even though her outfit is technically two pieces; it may be difficult to keep the tightness with two pieces. So, I figure if I use a body suit, it will maintain shape better through wearing it all day. I don't plan on doing the sexy, ripped up version of the outfit either, so there is no true need to make it two pieces. 
Even the small steps are steps in the right direction in regards to cosplay. I plan on making August the month of trying to really push the cosplay as far as I can before college classes pick back up. 
Also, I'm considering buying a ukulele because why the hell not?!


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