Sunday, September 28, 2014

Updates Galore

Hey Everyone!

Firstly, I apologize for not posting lately, school has literally so busy! Stay in school kids so you aren't 23 and still only a junior in college. whomp whomp.

Luckily I have made so much progress on the Alice cosplay!

Alice's dress is almost completely finished, the only part left is the collar! Which I found a great YouTube tutorial video for, because if you have ever used pattern instructions you know they are terrible.
(here's the link to that video!)

The apron is also almost complete, there are just some final touches to be made, finishing seams, sewing on the lace trim and making a closure. 

Last night I made a "Drink me" bottle for a prop and will be thrifting a tea pot for the boyfriend to use as a prop for the Mad Hatter. 

I also went and spent a crazy amount of money on fancy makeup for the final Alice look and did some practicing with that. I felt pretty fancy.

Fancy, super fake eyelashes, which are the hardest thing to apply!

There are sleeves now and it has been hemmed, I took in the dress at the waist and it doesn't fit on the form well to take new pictures. :(

NYCC is officially 10 days away and I am so beyond excited!!!!

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