Saturday, September 20, 2014


I apologize greatly that I have not updated my blog in over a week! :(
I just started school again full time and it is quite the adjustment.

I have made so much progress this week on the Alice cosplay!!!

Firstly, The apron is almost complete! I will be making final touches when the dress is done so I can see exactly where i want it to fall.
I've also added a little lace trim for now, just for some feminine touch.
 (Ignore creepy wig head in the background)

Secondly, I made Alice's under skirt! In the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, Alice has quite the poofy dress. So to get that look I made a tulle under skirt. This was SO easy to make! I think I'll be making a tutorial on how I did it soon, so keep and eye out!

I still need to trim the edges so they are equal in length, but again I am waiting until the dress is done for measurement sake. 

Today and tomorrow will be all about working on Alice's final dress! 
(And a little studying for my accounting quiz)
But mostly cosplay!!

Thanks for reading guys!
Stay tuned for a video to go into more detail.

Much love,

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