Sunday, November 30, 2014

Business cards and other fun things

This week has not been great for accomplishing any sewing. (womp womp) BUT, I have gotten a lot of holiday crafting done! I am hoping to make at least one home made gift per family member. Most of this has consisted of cross stitching goodness. It's my favorite old lady craft! I'm also planning on doing some modge podge fun stuff.

In cosplay news, my boyfriend's amazing sister is making me some business cards! They will have all my social media information on them so that way when people ask me for my picture they can tag me on Instagram or follow me on Twitter!

This week I will be starting on doing a quick muslin of the bodice piece of the Evil Queen cosplay! 

If I don't get it done this week it will be because I may be getting my evil wisdom teeth taken out that have been the absolute worst the past few days. 

Stay on the look out for an update around Thursday or Friday!!!

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