Sunday, January 4, 2015

Evil Queen and Crafting Fun

                      Over the past two weeks I have been working on a multitude of projects! Not only have I been working on my latest cosplay project, but I have also been working on a new cross stitching piece, and a calligraphy piece! 

Evil Queen:
The Evil Queen now has a skirt! This isn't a complete skirt, nor is it attached to the bodice, but it is a skirt non the less. The complication with the skirt is that it really needs a lining. The skirt is open in the front and very flowy so it needs the lining so you can't see the seems. The issue I'm having is that I used the same fabric for the collar has the lining, as in the same piece of fabric. So I don't have enough to make a full lining. I could go back to the fabric store and get some more (if they have it), but I am also lazy and don't want to! Also, I really want to finish the skirt today, so I may just not line the back panel. Or I will be a good little cosplayer and go to the store to get more fabric. Ughhh.

A full view of how it is coming along so far! I love how it already looks so fierce!

Cross Stitch:
I am really enjoying the sassy cross stitching projects I am seeing all over the Internet, and I have made my own before. (favorite being one that said "namaste bitches") But I am trying to make more, for friends and family and such. I am currently working a Louise Belcher piece, I am unsure of the quote I will be adding to it yet, but I just started it this week so it is still in the early stages, but I'm looking forward to completing it, sass and all!

And Finally Calligraphy:
This piece is actually already done, and I'm not going to lie, it is a complete pinterest copy, BUT it was a gift for a good friend's engagement.  (so that is my excuse). I really try to make as many personal gifts as I can and especially for occasions like this. Engagement parties are always filled with the same types of gifts and I really wanted to give this couple something more personal! So, I taught myself how to do a little calligraphy and made them this....

It turned out adorable! The heart is a map cut out of Charlotte where they will be getting married, below is their names and wedding date!!

Keep an eye out for more cosplay updates soon!!
xo M

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