Friday, January 30, 2015

Project Update

 I must apologize for not posting more recently than this! I have just started my spring semester of classes and I am just beyond busy. #englishmajorproblems
I have started a new project, this isn't a cosplay project, rather it is just a regular sewing project. I am in the process of making myself a dress for a wedding that the boyfriend and I are going to on Valentine's day. This may seem like a lot of work of one event, and it is, but I did some dress shopping and just didn't find anything I liked or that fit me well. 
So, I am making my own dress! So fat it is about a third of the way done. I have completed sewing the major pieces together and now all that is left is getting it fit right, hemming, and cleaning up the edges. I am also thinking about doing an attached caplet. But for now I am just wanting to finish the dress at all! hahaha!

Cosplay process is at a standstill right now, I just haven't had the opportunity to work on any major aspects of it. I am working on lining the jacket in the hopes that it will help to support the weight of the skirt better since it is quite heavy. The instructions originally called for it to be lined but in my mind I was like "who needs a lining?! it will be fine with out it1 bullshit bullshit bullshit...", but in fact it looks as the directions were right, as always. Follow the directions people.

Here is what the dress for the wedding looks like so far:

I am doing some color blocking techniques with a jersey knit fabric, hopefully it will turn out well!

Keep an eye out for more updates :)

xo M

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