Sunday, February 22, 2015


I am so beyond pumped, because I am almost done my Evil Queen cosplay!! 
I can't get over it, I really can't.

I finally have the two sections sewn together, the sleeves done, cuffs done, and collar done!
All that is left is the closures, some buttons, the accessories and some other details. But the hardest parts are officially completed. I couldn't me more proud of myself for taking on my biggest project to date. 

Cosplay to me is more than just looking sexy, or just wearing a wig and posting pics on instagram. It's about doing good work. It's about pushing your limits of creativity. You can be sexy while still wearing clothes. You can go instagram crazy while still making true work. I want to do this right, and I want to do it well. I don't mean to seem judgemental of others choices, but I find it bothersome to see people getting so much credit for just looking slutty or buying costumes. I want to see people work hard at something and push themselves. And I am trying to promote this by doing it myself. We are all better than we think we are, and we have to be better to give cosplay a good name. 
Rant done.

After I complete this I will be starting the boyfriend's cosplay. For now I still intend on doing Captain Hook, but it is looking more and more complicated considering I have never done menswear. SO, as time goes on I may end up changing it or going in a different direction. 
I will also be starting our day two looks of Honey Lemon and Tadashi soon!! (I can't wait!)
But keep an eye out for more updates!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The Evil Queen finally has two sleeves! YAY!

This weekend I was finally able to give this cosplay some TLC. I did a lot of reworking of the mechanics of this top piece. I took apart the collar to properly attach a lining to help strengthen the bodice. I also got the second sleeve attached and cuff sewn, after accidentally sewing it on inside out first...oops. 

( I really wish you could see the design of the fabric better, but when it is all together I will be taking more professional pictures.)

The skirt that will be soon attached to the bodice, is beyond heavy. It is simply just a lot of fabric. So I am concerned that this weight could end up causing issues along the way. I am trying to problem solve that weight issue by different sewing techniques and possible adding some kind of almost suspender like system within it to help disperse some of that weight. 

This cosplay is soooo close to be complete, I really can't wait! After the sewing is all finished I have a few acessories to work on, which will be fun to make. From there I will be working on the boyfriend's Captain Hook jacket, and that will be a whole different ball game. 

Stay tuned next week for some more updates!


Finished Valentine's Day Dress!

This weekend I was finally able to finish my dress for a wedding I am attending on Valentine's day!! I am really happy with the final product, take a look!

I am super happy with this final look! It is quite form fitting, which wasn't my origional intention, but I went with how the fabric was working! It consits of 4 panels, 2 black side panels and 2 grey front and back panels. I love the classic look of this dress, which contributes to it being great for wearing mulitple times! (the best)

I used a Simplicity pattern for this, found at JoAnn Fabrics. If you are a beginner sewer, I 100% suggest starting with a similar project. A dress can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be, and you can easily modify it as you go.
So, if you are looking for a first project, or want to try something new, go for it!