Monday, November 16, 2015


Hello Humans!

This has been the busiest semester ever! If anyone every tries to tell you that being an English major is easy, feel free to give them a swift slap to the face. 

Fun Tid-bits of the last few months:
-NYCC in October was amazing as per usual! Unfortunately, two weeks before the convention, I had emergency surgery to remove my appendix and was unable to finish my Padme cosplay. So I went as Honey Lemon, which was super fun. It was heart breaking, but now I have more time to make it amazing for Wizard World Philly this summer!

-Being a senior in college is insane, I don't recommend it.

-I turned 24! I feel old and have 3 new grey hairs.

-I have my own apartment with my man! Woooo! Freedom and responsibilities!

I have lots of planning and sewing to do for Wizard World Philly, but I really want to push myself to create something new and difficult. Stay tuned for more updates starting in January!

Keep Calm and Don't Blink!


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