Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Body Suit Week 2

This weeks has been crafting/sewing craziness! One of my coworkers asked me to make her wedding veil for her! How neat is that? So, this week I learned how to make a veil, and tonight will be diving into working with rhinestones! EEK!
I have also been getting back into painting, and have been making little nerdy paintings. I did a Baymax one and a Lego Movie one, of Benny ("spaceship!"). They have been a fun creative outlet, but it is time to get down to business!
Last night I FINALLY started on my Padme cosplay! Took long enough! I did end up buying some practice spandex, I would rather mess up on practice fabric then the expensive final material. I was able to get all of my pattern pieces cut, ironed, pinned, and cut out! The next step will be to start sewing and fitting! There are certain sewing needles and stitch widths to use when working with spandex, which I have never done, so practice is imperative!
There will be more updates with further details on how the spandex adventure is progressing soon!

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