Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bodysuit - Week1

I will be doing weekly updates to chronicle the steps I take to create the bodysuit that is the base of my Padme cosplay for NYCC.
This week I have cut all my pattern pieces, bought the fabric and correct needles, and I have started planning out my steps.
The first thing I need to do is modify the Yaya Han pattern a bit, my measurements fall in between two different sizes. I have a dramatically small waist compared to my bust and hips, so I will be reforming the patterns by combining the two sizes and redrawing the cut line. This will help to create a smooth transition between the two different sizes. At this point I (and you should too) will check my torso length, this can vary in patterns but this particular pattern doesn't specify so I will be making sure that I have the right length before there is any cutting of fabric.
After my patterns are all sorted, I will get started! I am thinking I may go back to the fabric store to find a cheaper spandex to practice on before using my expensive fabric. But at the same time, I don't have much time left to work on this cosplay before school and my internship starts. So my best bet may actually be just using my final fabric and going super slow and taking my time. (not an easy task for myself).
Reminder: MANAGE YOUR TIME!! lol.
Stay tuned guys.

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