Sunday, August 31, 2014


From this day forward I shall be known as a BAMF.
Oh I said it, A Badass Mother F*****
Want to know why? Because I made sleeves!!!!!!!
And I did so only loosely following the instructions!
I totally have a dress now. It is crazy to have finally come this far in the cosplay. The only downfall is that I did all of this work in muslin :( which means I have to do it ALL over again.
But that totally isn't the end of the world, it just means I will be getting more sewing practice and it will be even more satisfying when the final project is finished!
Today I will also be attempting the collar and the dreaded zipper. Oh great Odin I fear the zipper.

(Look at those beautiful sleeves!)
Thanks as always guys for reading! It means a lot!
Much love,

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