Thursday, October 30, 2014

All the Ideas!

So for Halloween this year I have had about a million and one ideas on what/who to be. 
I was thinking Elsa, Louise, Max from Where the Wild Things Are; but I finally settled on one.
A Cat.
I'm sure some of you are thinking; "Really? A cat?"
BUT! I have a pretty good reason. 
The boyfriend has always wanted to dress up as 'three hole punch Jim' from the tv show "The Office". And every convention I say 'no, that isn't complicated enough'. And this Halloween he said he wanted to be three hole punch Jim, and how could I say no after all of the people he has dressed up for me?!
So, in that episode of the Office, Jim's love interest, Pam was dressed as a cat. 
Get it now??

SO I will be dressing up as Pam the cat to be nice. I am a good girlfriend after all!

(proof that this isn't made up!)

Tonight or tomorrow morning I will be posting a make up video. My first EVER! It will cover my cat make up and the three hole punches, I am planning on doing a little fancy cat make up for the fun of it. Let's see if it works out!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Howdy Howdy Howdy!

This week is kind of a super busy week, with school and my birthday coming up this Friday, so I will be posting a video/post on my Louise Belcher costume for halloween as soon as I can!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New York Comic Con

I am not even sure where to begin in describing my experience at NYCC. 
In the simplest form, it was absolutely amazing. I have never felt more comfortable or in the right place at the right time so much before. 

The morning started early and rainy. After spending an hour getting ready, we made our trek from Queens to the Javits Center in Manhattan. In cosplay marching through the city with our umbrellas, we were a sight to see. As we made it closer to the convention, we began seeing fellow cosplayers, and it was immediately relieving to be among our own. Even though cosplay is more my thing, I am very lucky to have a significant other who is always willing to join along. 

(mean mugging at NYCC)

Walking through the convention center doors, was the most exciting thing ever. The room was filled with joy and excitment. People scattered everywhere, their eyes trying to absorb every inch of the scene.
I couldn't even figure out where to begin, so like every convention, we made our way to one end and looped down every row, to avoid missing a single thing.
On one loop we ran into Yaya Han and her table. Which was the happiest moment at the convention! She was so sweet and her Assassin's Creed cosplay was totally on point!
She is such a cosplay idol, and it was such a magical moment getting to meet her!

While walking around and enjoying the sights, around one hundred people asked to take our picture. Which is the most amazing feeling in the world. Strangers enjoying your cosplay so much that they are willing to come up to someone they don't even know to ask for your picture. It is the most flattering thing on the planet. It makes all of the hard work so rewarding!
(view walking around)

(meeting Yaya Han and having her sign her comic book for us!)

This weekend has one hundred percent solidified my desire to try to make this into a full time thing. If I could get to spend everyday cosplaying, crafting, and designing; I would be so beyond happy. Cosplaying is so emotionally and creatively satisfiyng. If I could turn this into a career, it would be so beyond amazing.
Next, I'll be making business cards so when people ask for my picture, I can ask for them to tag me on instagram or twitter. This way I can try to build my internet status. I also plan on starting to use different materials to create different looks and textures. Along with that I will be making many more videos on DIY and How To's.
Thank you everyone for reading!
Stay tuned for a video and post on my halloween costume, Louise Belcher from Bob's Burgers!!!!
Much love,

Friday, October 10, 2014



I have never been more excited in my entire life!
Not only am I going to be cosplaying my most successful cosplay ever, but I will be getting to see hundreds of others doing the best thing ever, COSPLAY!

It is impossible to put into words how happy I am to get to do what I truly love.
Now to figure out how to make a career out of it!

Cosplay is a true joy in my life and I can not wait to get to have 12 hours of pure joy on Saturday.

Stay tuned for pictures of Saturday to be posted Sunday/Monday.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cosplay Withdraw

As NYCC comes closer, I am beginning to feel distress about not having another convention to go to soon enough. The only for sure next convention I will be going to is Wizard World Philadelphia in May, MAY! Which is unbelievably far away from now.
I wish I didn't have obligations or responsibilities and could just use all my money to travel to conventions. But alas, I am not in that position.
I am in the hopes of finding a convention that is relatively close and affordable to go to this winter/early spring.
When you really enjoy what you do, it is difficult to be without it. 
I feel wasteful making cosplay costumes if I don't have a convention to go to, but I don't think I can go so long without making a couple!

So my next goal I believe will be attempting to make a body suit!
I have this vision of turning "regular" characters into super heroes, and I think that will be my next big project.

I am so excited to almost be complete Alice, but I am also dreading it. The joy of always having something creative to work on will be gone for a little while. After this project, I have serious planning to do for Wizard World, and plan on trying out lots of new techniques!

- learn to make a body suit that isn't terrible
- learn to make/use molds
-learn to use worbla
-make lots of cool shit

Cosplay is just fricking awesome! 

Nerds Unite!