Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween, the aftermath

This Halloween was an absolute blast!
The boyfriend and I saw a friend of ours band (In the Presence of Wolves), and they did an AMAZING set that was a cover of Prince's Purple Rain album! It was so beyond cool, they were all dressed as Prince, in their 80's garb, and even had some of Prince's mannerisms down to enhance the experience!

The boyfriend and I dressed as Jim and Pam from the Office. And I did attempt to do a make up video on the cat makeup, which went terribly. HAHAHA! I am no make up artist. I was able to make myself look like a cat, but not anywhere as good as the YouTube ladies do it. So, my advice for any cat costumes is just go look it up on YouTube. 

I have some links for you guys on costumes that I had used as reference for some of my many costume ideas this year. But don't think of them as just Halloween costumes, any of these ideas would make a great and easy cosplay, especially if you are going to a convention for more than one day, an easy second day outfit is always a great idea. 

I hope to be making the Louise Belcher costume in my free time soon, but I just wasn't able to complete it for Halloween this year.

Coming up, look for some winter crafts I'll be doing (adding some of my other hobbies to this!), and the cosplay for this spring's Wizard World Philly. I will be doing weekly updates and how to videos on my cosplays for that weekend. But for  now they shall remain a secret!!!
(GREAT Louise hat video!)

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