Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wizard World Philly 2015

The costumes for Wizard World Philadelphia 2015 have been chosen!!!

HAN and LEIA!!
One day of the convention we will be doing Han and Leia. We plan on going to the convention for two days, so because we have a lot of time to work on these cosplays, we have decided to do two different costumes!
One day we will be doing heroes, and the other we will be doing villains! 
(This is all in the hopes that we are able to get both done! haha!)

And for the villains....

The Evil Queen and Hook from the wonderful television series, Once Upon A Time!!
These two characters flip between hero and villain throughout the series, and I think that is what I find most appealing about them. (and that Captain Hook is insanely gorgeous!)

I have been lucky to find patterns for our villains costumes, which is so great! I'm not ready to be drafting my own patterns yet!

This cosplay will push me to the next level in craftsmanship, I will be doing very structured, fitted, and detailed pieces that I can not wait to start!!!

So stay tuned for more updates!

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