Friday, January 30, 2015

Project Update

 I must apologize for not posting more recently than this! I have just started my spring semester of classes and I am just beyond busy. #englishmajorproblems
I have started a new project, this isn't a cosplay project, rather it is just a regular sewing project. I am in the process of making myself a dress for a wedding that the boyfriend and I are going to on Valentine's day. This may seem like a lot of work of one event, and it is, but I did some dress shopping and just didn't find anything I liked or that fit me well. 
So, I am making my own dress! So fat it is about a third of the way done. I have completed sewing the major pieces together and now all that is left is getting it fit right, hemming, and cleaning up the edges. I am also thinking about doing an attached caplet. But for now I am just wanting to finish the dress at all! hahaha!

Cosplay process is at a standstill right now, I just haven't had the opportunity to work on any major aspects of it. I am working on lining the jacket in the hopes that it will help to support the weight of the skirt better since it is quite heavy. The instructions originally called for it to be lined but in my mind I was like "who needs a lining?! it will be fine with out it1 bullshit bullshit bullshit...", but in fact it looks as the directions were right, as always. Follow the directions people.

Here is what the dress for the wedding looks like so far:

I am doing some color blocking techniques with a jersey knit fabric, hopefully it will turn out well!

Keep an eye out for more updates :)

xo M

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Honey Lemon

I must admit, I think I am going to change my second day cosplay... again.
Multiple times now I  have tried to put Han and Leia in my cosplay line up but I keep cutting them out for other cosoplays I am more excited about. So for now I am going to put them back on the dream list for another day.
I am thinking about switching my day two cosplay to Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6!
I absolutely love her character and her nerdy but styled look!
The boyfriend would be Tadashi, and that would be super simple and comfortable for him!
After I complete our super complex Once Upon a Time cosplays, I am not sure I will have the energy for two complete outfits from scratch.
Honey Lemon would just need a simple peter pan collared yellow dress that could easliy be made or altered from another dress, adorable cardigan, and fluffy socks!
I am really looking forward to a comfy cosplay for the day after or before my complex and awesome OUAT cosplay!
Speaking of the evil queen, she now has one sleeve and another one will come this weekend. Stay tuned for a new update!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Evil Queen and Crafting Fun

                      Over the past two weeks I have been working on a multitude of projects! Not only have I been working on my latest cosplay project, but I have also been working on a new cross stitching piece, and a calligraphy piece! 

Evil Queen:
The Evil Queen now has a skirt! This isn't a complete skirt, nor is it attached to the bodice, but it is a skirt non the less. The complication with the skirt is that it really needs a lining. The skirt is open in the front and very flowy so it needs the lining so you can't see the seems. The issue I'm having is that I used the same fabric for the collar has the lining, as in the same piece of fabric. So I don't have enough to make a full lining. I could go back to the fabric store and get some more (if they have it), but I am also lazy and don't want to! Also, I really want to finish the skirt today, so I may just not line the back panel. Or I will be a good little cosplayer and go to the store to get more fabric. Ughhh.

A full view of how it is coming along so far! I love how it already looks so fierce!

Cross Stitch:
I am really enjoying the sassy cross stitching projects I am seeing all over the Internet, and I have made my own before. (favorite being one that said "namaste bitches") But I am trying to make more, for friends and family and such. I am currently working a Louise Belcher piece, I am unsure of the quote I will be adding to it yet, but I just started it this week so it is still in the early stages, but I'm looking forward to completing it, sass and all!

And Finally Calligraphy:
This piece is actually already done, and I'm not going to lie, it is a complete pinterest copy, BUT it was a gift for a good friend's engagement.  (so that is my excuse). I really try to make as many personal gifts as I can and especially for occasions like this. Engagement parties are always filled with the same types of gifts and I really wanted to give this couple something more personal! So, I taught myself how to do a little calligraphy and made them this....

It turned out adorable! The heart is a map cut out of Charlotte where they will be getting married, below is their names and wedding date!!

Keep an eye out for more cosplay updates soon!!
xo M