Sunday, August 31, 2014


From this day forward I shall be known as a BAMF.
Oh I said it, A Badass Mother F*****
Want to know why? Because I made sleeves!!!!!!!
And I did so only loosely following the instructions!
I totally have a dress now. It is crazy to have finally come this far in the cosplay. The only downfall is that I did all of this work in muslin :( which means I have to do it ALL over again.
But that totally isn't the end of the world, it just means I will be getting more sewing practice and it will be even more satisfying when the final project is finished!
Today I will also be attempting the collar and the dreaded zipper. Oh great Odin I fear the zipper.

(Look at those beautiful sleeves!)
Thanks as always guys for reading! It means a lot!
Much love,

Saturday, August 30, 2014


I made not one but two pockets! TWO!

This so far was probably the hardest part of this cosplay. It isn't that pockets are necessarily difficult to make, it is that you have to make sure you are doing everything on the 'right' side of the fabric, which just gets me all kinds of confused. Putting the 'wrong sides together' or the 'right sides together', after a while it all starts to look the same!
But alas, let there be pockets!
The next hardest part will be the cap sleeves. Sleeves are just my worst nightmare. But I shall sew them, oh yes I shall.... (ominous tone/attempt at being scary)
This upcoming week is back to school for me, both 'boo' and 'yay'. But stay tuned for updates on the dreaded sleeves!

(Ignore all the random crap, and just look at that hand in that pocket! LOOK AT IT!(Bane voice))
Thanks for reading! Until next week!
Much love,

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy!

This post is completely unrelated to cosplay....
Like what the damn what?!
I started reading the GOTG comics a few months ago, obviously fell in love with them, yet I had no idea how good the movie would be!
I just saw it tonight, because I always go to see the movies a few weeks late, and during the week for the simple fact that I can not stand crowds of annoying people. (sorry not sorry)
A. Baby Groot was the cutest thing on the damn planet.
B. Chris Pratt's body: that is all.
C. Drax! "Why would I put my finger on his throat?"
D: Rocket: absolutely brilliant representation of the comic character, and my personal favorite
E: Gamora, get it girl.
If you haven't seen GOTG yet, get your life together and go see it!
Tons of cosplay ideas for future cons from this one, can anyone say Lady Rocket??
baby groot, guardians of the galaxy

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back from Vacation!

Hey party people!
I am officially back from a wonderful vacation in the land of humidity, South Carolina.
After a great week of alligators, the beach, hushpuppies, and drinks; I am ready to get back to work on the Alice cosplay!!!
Even on vacation I was itching to be working on this cosplay project.
The next few weeks I will be kicking it into high gear since NYCC is really only a few more weeks away! YAYYYY!
Thanks for being patient this week guys, and stay tuned the next few days for some Alice updates!!
Much love,
Love it!
Remember: Cats will always love you back (well mostly).

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hey everyone!
So next week the boy and I are FINALLY going on VACATION! YAY VACATION!
 I tried to get a lot of work done on my Alice cosplay so that way I was leaving with a lot of work done, also I made a video to update my progress!

 I would love if you guys could comment on what you think I should do with Alice's apron:
- All white
-Lace and white
-All lace
Let me know what you guys think and suggestions are always welcome!
As always thanks so much for viewing!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A very unhappy birthday!

Hey fellow humans!
I am in the process of uploading a video to update you guys on the Alice process ( and by upload I mean you tube is being an ass and not loading :/ )
BUT in the meantime I want to hear about YOU GUYS!
Do you cosplay?
What/who do you cosplay?
Are you interested in cosplay?
What do you want to see from my blog?
Harry Potter vs Darth Vader, who wins?
Is Pluto a planet or planetoid?
Thanks for reading, look for an Alice video soon!
Funny Pic Dump (10 Pics)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hello there everyone!!
If you watched the video in my last post, I mentioned at the end that the boyfriend and I are doing Alice in Wonderland for our NYCC cosplays in October!
(insert dog meme: much excited, many happiness)
So I already have a rough muslin done of Alice's apron, which is the most work I have done with patterns in about 5 years. SO that's exciting!
Today I cut out all the patterns for Alice's dress and have started to lay and pin them to muslin. YAY PROGRESS!
I have been making everything out of muslin first because it is a lot cheaper than the projects final look fabric. AND I have limited sewing experience so if I mess up the dress/ patterns on muslin that's 2$ a yard, its a lot better than messing it up on fabric that is 10$ a yard. Fo' sho'.
(proof of progress!)
Stay tuned this week guys as I will most likely be posting another video to show the apron and dress progress!
Thank you so much for viewing all my posts!
-Much love

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tardis Cosplay Video!

Hey guys!
This video correlates to my last post, on the Tardis and Doctor Who cosplay.
Hope the video works and you all like it!!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

First Cosplay: The Tardis
My first ever cosplay/comic con, was this June at the Philadelphia Wizard World Con.
Let's just say, this was the most amazing damn day EVER!
My boyfriend and I cosplayed as the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who and the Tardis.
We picked this cosplay for multiple reasons; firstly Doctor Who is amazing, secondly this was a great 1st cosplay because it was so simple!!!
(Myself: Center, the boyfriend: on the right)
For my cosplay of the Tardis I did the following:
-I went to Forever 21 and got a cheap Tardis blue cotton dress.
-Next I went to my local craft store and got the following:
-Tons of felt (blue, white and black)
-White stick on felt letters
-Wooden dowel rods (for headband lantern)
-Blue sparkle tulle
-Black thick headband
For the Boyfriend's 11th Doctor:
-Red felt (fez)
-Thrifted tweed jacket
-His pants, shoes, and sonic screwdriver were his own
In the next post I'll go into as much detail as possible into how I made it all!

My Journey Into Cosplay: The Begining
As so many things start, my journey into cosplay started with a little inspiration from the media. Earlier this year I discoverd the YouTube channel "Crabcast Industries" by cosplayers Holly Conrad and Jessica Merizan. Which are two of the most bad ass female cosplayers ever!
I began watching their videos and a little show called "Heroes of Cosplay". From there I began thinking, "I can do this", "I'm crafty". And so I did, I took my backround in classic art and turned to cosplay! I haven't turned back since!
Cosplay has become the most creatively satisfing thing I have ever done, and you can do it too!
So, join me in my journey into the world of cosplay and follow me weekly as I work on cosplays for various up-coming comic cons!